Brazil - Daterra Summer Solstice | Tree-dried Natural

Brazil - Daterra Summer Solstice | Tree-dried Natural


Brazil - Daterra Summer Solstice | Tree-dried Natural


Brazil - Daterra Summer Solstice | Tree-dried Natural


This demo store is made for Booster Theme. All pictures, description, product is from the ff:

Instant Coffee - wearelittle , Capsules - creative coffee , Espresso - verve coffee, Filter - roguewave coffee


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Product description

This coffee is sweet with comfortable malic acidity with tasting notes that remind us of:

Strawberry | Lemon | Grape | Hazelnut | Tropicals

Origin: Brazil
Farm: Daterra
Region:  Cerrado, Brazil
Variety: Bourbon  and Paraiso (Timor Hybrid and Catuai - Hybrid)
Elevation: 1150 MASL
Process: Tree Dried natural
Fermentation: Tree dried 'Cerredo' natural this process means that cherries were
left on the trees for a longer time, allowing them to go through the full maturation process and dry while still attached to the branch. This processing technique is only possible if the weather is very dry and stable during harvest - in fact, in many regions, allowing coffee to dry on tree could be a big problem: the excess moisture can develop fungus and other microorganisms. Because of Cerrado’s unique traits, this  process is possible - which is great, because it brings very positive attributes to the cup: tree-dried naturals usually show heavy body and extra-intense sweetness.
Drying: patio and drum dried

This coffee is very sweet and velvety in espresso and a comfortable on pour over.

340g, 1 KG, or 2.5KG- Whole Bean

 More about Daterra farm:

Daterra farms are located in a lovely steady climate, dry-fresh winter, and warm-wet summers... a perfect condition for growing amazing coffee. Their farms in the city of Patrocínio are the oldest coffee plantations in Brazilian Cerrado region, and it is among the best coffee producing areas in the country. Daterra often works with many coffee competitor to be the forefront of innovation in coffee processing to create interesting and exceptional coffees every years.

Daterra Recognitions:

1st Rainforest Alliance Farm in Brazil
1st Climate-friendly farm verified to meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Climate Module.
Winner of the prize “Prêmio Fazenda Sustentável 2015” by Globo Rural, Brazil’s major agricultural magazine, as the most sustainable farm in the country

Photos are from Ply's visit to Daterra.

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Total price: $49.48