Ethiopia - Banko Michicha | Natural

Ethiopia - Banko Michicha | Natural


Ethiopia - Banko Michicha | Natural


Ethiopia - Banko Michicha | Natural


This demo store is made for Booster Theme. All pictures, description, product is from the ff:

Instant Coffee - wearelittle , Capsules - creative coffee , Espresso - verve coffee, Filter - roguewave coffee


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Product description

This natural processed coffee is fruity and sweet with tasting notes that remind us of:

Blueberry | Peach | Lemon | Cocoa | Guava | Floral

Origin: Oromia, Guji Zone, Kercha Woreda, Ethiopia
Farm: 782 smallholder farmers
Producer: Mr. Degefa Sema, Banko Michicha Station
Harvest: Late 2021
Variety: Heirloom
Elevation: 1900-2030 MASL
Process: Natural - Traditional dry for 3-4 weeks

340g, 1KG, or 2.5KG bag

Great for both filter and exciting espresso

More about this coffee: 

Guji sits at the southern end of the Sidamo coffee growing region, and is part of the officlal Oromia region. This cherry drying station (and washing station for washed lots) is owned by Mr. Degefa Sema, who has been in the coffee industry for 25 years and now mainly operates a string of washing and hulling/milling stations around Keffa, Guji and Sidamo. Just under 800 farmers deliver to Degefa's 5 cherry collection centers for this Banko Michicha drying center. In the Kercha region this washing station support local farmers through a training center it opened, plus support of local community-based organizations who focus on agriculture.

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Total price: $49.48